SetAcqServerLogLevel 8 - Turn on log messages in the acq server subsystem. An easy way to issue commands to the modem is via HyperTerminal, included with Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. SetAcqServerLogLevel 0 - Turn off log messages in the acq server subsystem.ĮnableEventPrinting - Turns on log messages from the communications layer.ĭisableEventPrinting - Turns off log messages from the communications layer. You can create a shortcut for accessing HyperTerminal and sending commands to the modem. To create a command mode shortcut on the Windows desktop: 1. From the HyperTerminal dialog box, click the. SaveCtrlRioBuf - Saves the control message that is sent to the electronics to RioControlBuf.txt. SaveRespRioBuf - Saves the reply message that comes backs RioResponseBuf.txt.
ĮnableMonAddr, - Allows the monitoring of the control/response messages in real-time. Direction: 1 - control, 2 - reply.ĭisableMonAddr - Turns off real-time monitoring of control/reply buffer. ShowTtpScanData 1 - Show scan stats (starts/stops and DNL).
TtpTestMode 1 - Show settings being written (e.g.